Friday, November 7, 2008

Slow Down

On Wednesday I went to the Coldplay concert with Nikki. It was so nice to leave my job and do something fun. I felt like I was in college again where life was so laid back. I miss those days where we could just be. I get so caught up in the everyday rush that I forget to slow down and just relax. Usually, I am just going to the next thing that I rarely just live in the moment. Each day we should take time to just do something for ourselves; something we enjoy doing. I really should get better at this...

You can't tell but we had great seats!

Me and Nikki at our suite

Love his voice!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Yea, I'm a slacker!

Okay, so I have officially decided that I am not very good at this blogging thing. I love the idea, but just can't seem to get it together. I think I'm overwhelmed with all that I can put on here with updates that I just let it fall behind and don't put anything up. Sad! I see that it has taken me nearly a month for the next post...I'll get better. (Let's hope!).

So, to give a few more updates, I'm going to update the last month of our life.

Derek and I went Mountain Day at Berry. This was my first time going and I thought it was neat. Definitely wish UGA had something like it. While there, Derek was able to catch up with some of his friends from college. This really made me miss mine even more. We wish sometimes we could go back and forth between college and now just to replay some of our good memories with these people.

Since fall is our favorite time of the year, we have to follow through with one of our traditions - the Elijay Apple Festival and Burt's Pumpkin Farm. This year we decided to go up by ourselves to have some "get away" time together. We had such a fun time just being together and taking in everything.... As we were leaving, we ran into my parents who had also done the same thing that weekend.

This past weekend, Derek went to the UGA vs. FL game - bummer!! He had so much fun going for Boojie's bachelor party, but the game was def. not fun! I'm beginning to believe that when he goes to big games they lose (like Bama, too). It was good for him to have some guy time regardless of the game. This weekend I practically stayed at my friend's house to do some Halloween stuff and watch the game. Much needed girl time.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

It worked! I'm ready to share....

Okay, so after 5 days of trying on and's FINISHED!! Or at least for now. I've been trying to figure out how to change the background of this blog and it's been driving me nuts....but after sooo many google searches and "talks" with other blog friends, I'm so content with what I've finally found. It was such a pain, but the hard work finally paid off. I've gotta give some credit to Kim, though. She sent me to the best website ever for the cutest backgrounds (and blonde-friendly instructions).

I decided to start a blog to keep all of my friends and family in the know of what's going on with me and Derek. So often we get so bogged down in the craziness of life that we are not the best at keeping you all updated on us (or finding out what's going on with you). This is our (well, mostly my) attempt at keeping you all updated. I hope you enjoy all the experiences, struggles, triumphs, and candid moments that we plan to share with each of you!!